Safiatou lives in Burkina Faso and studies hard for school – using an exercise book provided by UNICEF. A new school was built in in the small village Sokoroni thanks to the donators of the United Internet for UNICEF Foundation and other UNICEF supporters. Safiatou and 400 schoolmates attend this school daily. The school building even features basic latrines so students can wash their hands with soap and water. In this way diarrheal diseases can be prevented.

Sofiatu’s father supports his daughter and even learns reading and writing himself.
© UNICEFUNICEF helps families to improve their children’s education. Sofiatu’s father Oumar Sanogo supports his daughter and even learns reading and writing himself. Many mothers cook food for students to eat at school. Your donation to education gives children the chance for a better life:
For one thing, educated girls tend to have fewer children and can look after themselves more easily. For another, young teachers like Brahima Sanou can educate students about hygiene and AIDS/HIV-prevention thanks to your help. If we together continue our work, we can reach out to hundred thousands of students. As a key strategy to increase children’s access to education UNICEF convinced the Burkinan government to abolish school fees. Also, all schools are planned to be set up ‘child friendly’. In consequence, Sofiatu’s exercise book is just the beginning of changes for the better.

A teacher and a student do arithmetic during a class in Lich Primary School, near the city of Bentiu.
We bring children to school - you and the United Internet for UNICEF Foundation
The United Internet for UNICEF Foundation for UNICEF espouses education for every child, especially girls, orphans and other children suffering disadvantages – with your support.